Wednesday, July 27, 2011

New:Amazon Student - FREE Prime for College Kids!

Yep, that's right you can save the $79 membership fee!
We're half way through the summer now and you know what that means... Back to school shopping is about to begin and the sales are already coming!  
Here's a great deal for colleger students! has a new program called Amazon Student. They are offering FREE Amazon Prime to College Students for a whole year! As an Amazon Prime member you will receive FREE 2 day shipping and overnight shipping for just $3.99 per item! 
So, if you're looking for books, supplies, bath & bedding or anything else you may need for college, you can save a bundle on shipping!

So college students, sign up and enjoy the FREE shipping! (requires valid .edu e-mail address)

Comment to us: If you sign up or are already a member - how do you like Prime?

Quiznos on Groupon - save 54%!

Groupon is offering - 2 Quiznos Subs or Salads for $6! This equates to a 54% savings!

Check participating locations here. Stores will have an "accept groupon" graphic.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Expo TV - 3 Great Tryology Programs

So, I know I've told you about Expo TV before, so I wanted to let you know about 3 great Tryology programs that are starting soon.

The first is a Tryology for Clearblue Easy products.

This program will give selected members the chance to try fertility tests, ovulation kits or fertility monitors for free! (some worth more than $100) And then you’ll share your opinion via a video review.

And here's one for all you Apple users!
Apply today to see if you qualify to join the "Millie Was Here" team and try out this brand new app!
I believe you will also receive A $10 iTunes card!

The next Tryology programs is almost overwhelming! Take a quick survey and you may qualify for a

This program will give selected members the chance to try an LG LED TV (worth over $1000) and then you’ll share your opinion via a video review.

If you haven’t joined you need to. You earn points by doing a video review of products you already own. You can cash in your points for gift cards and other fun stuff! It’s easy to do and you can earn gift cards quickly.

For more info on EXPO TV, you can read my previous post HERE.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Disney Cars 2 Video Game Review for Bzzagent

I was one of the lucky Bzzagents chosen to participate in their bzzcampaign for the new Disney Cars 2 Video Game. They sent me the game for free! All I have to do is spread the word (good or bad) about it! So, Here’s my take:

My personal opinion of the game is that it’s pretty lame. The graphics are nothing better than mediocre, there’s no real story line or quest to the game, and the gadgets in the game are pretty unimpressive. I can’t see how anyone over the age of 10 or so could possible enjoy playing this game more than once. That being said, did I mention that I have an eight year old son?

As soon as Bzzagent offered me the Disney Cars 2 Video Game campaign I told James and his excited reaction was priceless! I may have been too quick to tell him though, because for the next few weeks every time I checked the mail he’d ask “Is Cars 2 here yet?” and he would get sadder with each “Not yet”.

And then…. Finally, the mailman delivered! It honestly felt like my son had removed the plastic wrapper before I had finished removing the game from the envelope! Now, when you read this part, you may just say that I am a terrible mother but with his sister being away at camp and there not being any kids around to play, I kind of let him get away with playing on Wii for the WHOLE day!

So what’s James’ opinion? James really likes it. He likes the different places that the races take place like Tokyo and London. He also says he enjoys using the missiles to shoot other racers. He really likes the new character Finn McMissile because (his words) “he’s the fastest dude in the game”! James also has several friends that come over and enjoy playing with him too.

So there ya have it, while most adults probably would not be impressed with this video game, kids do like it. And I’m guessing that kids were who the game was meant for anyway so, good job Disney!